Sumgayit city and Agjabadi region

One could call our next project making and smoothing the road to education.

This academic year, we helped a total of 50 young children in Sumgayit city and Agjabadi region who have lost one or both of their parents and are suffering from extreme poverty. Among them, some children had no hope of going to school or had been out of school for several years due to poverty, especially the lack of school clothes and equipment.

It is not only where the children and their parents live that shows their plight, but also the parents’ literal desperation due to impoverishment, which tells us that we are on the right track.

We are very happy to make education accessible to them by building and lighting the way to school for 50 more children.

2B-Kind spent a total of 5,700 AZN from the account of our association for these two projects.

On behalf of our charitable association, we express our gratitude to the donors and all the supporters, especially to Mrs. Nazrin and Mr. Vusal, who helped to implement these projects and find needy children.

2B-Kind is a charitable association founded by our volunteer friends living outside of Azerbaijan, mainly in Germany, to make education accessible to children from poor families. Our goal is to provide both financial and moral support to children who would otherwise lose their access to education due to poverty. This can also be called informal patronage. It is well known that insufficient education is the basis of many problems experienced in our country and around the world, and poor education is often associated with poverty. To contribute to the improvement of the level of education in Azerbaijan, the board of directors of the charitable association 2B-Kind invites kind and generous people to help us by donating.

The joy of children is our joy, and their education is a brighter Azerbaijan. If you want to give joy to children and contribute to a brighter Azerbaijan, you can support us with your donations.

Your 2B-Kind family,

Contact: [email protected]
Donate: You can donate via this link from anywhere in the world with just a few clicks: Donate – 2B Kind