Introducing our first scholarship recipient
Safa Mustafayeva is the first student to receive a higher education scholarship from our charitable organization 2B-Kind. Safa was born 2002 in Turan, a settlement in the Sheki district, where she obtained her secondary education from 2008-2019. In 2019, she was admitted into the bachelor’s degree program in Pedagogy of Azerbaijani Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philology at the Ganja State University. Given how she studied on a fee-based basis and her family is experiencing financial problems, it has been difficult for her to pay tuition and other expenses. Safa’s father is a veteran of the Second Karabakh War and is currently serving on the frontline in that region.
The 2B-Kind association transferred 610 AZN out of Safa’s annual tuition and fees (1800 AZN) to the Faculty of Philology at the Ganja State University in the form of a scholarship. After completing her bachelor’s degree, Safa wants to get a master’s degree and, in the future, teach in one of the country’s higher education institutions.
2B-Kind wishes Safa success in her final year of studies and for her future plans!
2B-Kind family